Marketing and Advertising
martes, 27 de mayo de 2014
Es todo lo que se haga para
promover una actividad, desde el momento que se concibe la idea, hasta el
momento que los clientes comienzan a adquirir el producto o servicio en una
base regular.
Mercadeo es un conjunto de actividades por medio
de las cuales una empresa investiga las necesidades de una comunidad, desarrolla y produce los bienes y servicios adecuados a esas necesidades y realiza las tareas de
comercialización apropiadas, todo con el objeto de satisfacer necesidades
y deseos concretos y con la expectativa de obtener una utilidad económica
por el esfuerzo realizado.
El Análisis de un
Mercado y sus necesidades, la determinación del Producto adecuado, sus
Características y Precio, la Selección de un Segmento dentro del mismo, y como
comunicar el Mensaje y la logística de la Distribución del producto, son parte
del arte conocido como Comercialización, Mercadeo o Marketing.
Primera fase: mercadeo estratégico
Antes de producir un articulo u
ofrecer algún servicio, la dirección debe analizar las oportunidades que ofrece
el mercado; es decir, cuáles son los consumidores a los que se quiere atender
(mercado meta), qué capacidad de compra tendrían a la hora de adquirir, el
producto o servicio, y si éste responde a sus necesidades. Además, también
tienen que detectar cuáles son sus posibles competidores, qué productos están
ofreciendo y cuál es su política de mercadeo.
Segunda fase: mezcla de mercadeo
La mercadotecnia es la estrategia que hace uso de
la psicología humana de la demanda que de esta forma representa un
conjunto de normas a tener en cuenta para hacer crecer una empresa. La clave
está en saber cómo, dónde y cuándo presentar el producto u ofrecer el servicio.
La publicidad es un aspecto muy importante, pero sin un plan de mercadotecnia
esta sería insulsa y poco atractiva al público, lo cual significaría un gasto
más para la empresa.
En el caso ideal, la mercadotecnia se vuelve una filosofía de negocios de forma que en la organización todas las áreas (y
no sólo la de mercadotecnia) deben actuar de acuerdo con ella y responder a las
auténticas necesidades de los clientes y consumidores.
Tercera fase: ejecución del programa de mercadeo
Finalmente, se le asigna al departamento
correspondiente la ejecución de las acciones planeadas y se fijan los medios
para llevarlas a cabo, así como los procedimientos y las técnicas que se
utilizarán. Igualmente deben crearse mecanismos que permitan evaluar los
resultados del plan establecido y determinar cuán efectivo ha sido.
Cuarta fase: control
Supone establecer aquellos mecanismos de
retroalimentación y evaluación con los que se puede comprobar el grado de
cumplimiento de los objetivos y establecer las correcciones a las que haya
lugar. Algunos de los controles son:
1. control de plan anual
2. control de rentabilidad
3. control de eficiencia
4. control estratégico
lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014
Advertising is considered one of the most powerful tools of marketing, specifically for the promotion, which is used by companies, nonprofit organizations, state institutions and individuals to provide a specific message related to their products, services , ideas or other, to their target group.
Types of Advertising, According to Experts in the matter:
O'Guinn, Allen and Semenik, authors of "Advertising", consider some of the basic types of advertising are based on functional goals, ie, as the owner tries to accomplish. Functional goals include:
Stimulation of primary demand: It is that the advertiser is to create demand for a product category in general. In its pure form, the purpose of this type of advertising is to educate potential buyers about the fundamental values of the type of product, instead of highlighting a specific brand within the product category.
Stimulation of selective demand: Its purpose is to highlight the particular benefits of a brand compared to the competition.
Direct response advertising is a type of advertising that asks the receiver of the message act immediately [1]. For example, TV ads that try to encourage recipients to purchase a particular product at a special price or a good discount will only last until midnight.
Advertising Delayed Answer: Instead of seeking immediate stimulus action groups, delayed response advertising seeks to create recognition and approval of a brand over time. Usually delayed response advertising is to generate brand awareness, reinforcing the benefits of its use and establishes a general taste for the brand.
Business Advertising: Not designed to promote a specific brand, but works to establish a favorable attitude toward a company as a whole, such as Xerox and IBM.
Laura Fischer and Jorge Espejo, authors of "Marketing", proposed a list of ten types of advertising:
Propaganda: Type of advertising that takes place in mass media to disseminate political and religious ideas.
Advertising according to who sponsors: Divided into:
Advertising by manufacturers
Advertising intermediaries
Made by a non-profit organization Advertising
Advertising for non-commercial / non-profit organizations such as hospitals.
Advertise on cooperative
Advertising in accordance with the payment method: For example, individual advertising sponsored by an individual or an organization acting individually.
Cooperative Advertising: It is divided into:
§ Advertising horizontally cooperative: The cost is shared by entrepreneurs at different levels within the distribution channel.
§ Vertical Cooperative Advertising: A group of business expenditure shares at the same level within the distribution channel. Therefore, manufacturers and wholesalers share the costs of advertising for retailers or manufacturers, and retailers share the costs of advertising to consumers.
Advertising according to the type and purpose of the message is divided into:
§ Advertising to stimulate primary demand: demand is promoted to a general class of products and the acceptance of an idea or a revolutionary concept about a product is stimulated. This type of advertising is mainly used in the introduction of new products to the market.
§ Advertising to stimulate selective demand: the demand for a specific brand is promoted.
Advertising as the purpose of the message is divided into:
§ Advertising Direct Action: It is intended to generate immediate behavior or action in the market, for example, is advertising in newspapers Thursday to stimulate sales weekend.
§ Advertising indirect action: It is aimed to obtain recognition of a product, to develop positive attitudes as a requirement for the purchase action.
Advertising as the focus of the message is divided into:
§ Advertising product: Its purpose is to inform about the product.
§ Institutional Advertising: Create a favorable image of the advertiser.
§ patronage Advertising: Seller is appealing to attract customers buying motives employer type rather than reasons to purchase a product.
§ Advertising PR: Used to create a favorable image of the company to employees, shareholders or the general public.
§ Public Service Advertisement: Your goal is to change attitudes or behaviors for the good of the community or the general public.
According to the receiver advertising: It is divided into:
§ Advertising to consumers: for example, national advertising backed by manufacturers or local advertising and sponsored by retailers to consumers.
§ Advertising manufacturers: It is divided into: 1) Advertising commercial organizations, 2) professional advertising and 3) word of mouth.
Social advertising: It's trying to counteract the effects of commercial advertising as its primary objective. Point consumers to not make unnecessary expenses and buy only the essentials.
Subliminal Advertising: Are messages that are captured but not discovered. Its scope is unexpected, is invisible to all senses and great resource is the use of sex. The objective of this type of advertising is to sell through subliminal attracting attention to existing needs repressed unconscious or subconscious level of the mind of the individual who receives the message.
Stanton, Etzel and Walker, authors of "Fundamentals of Marketing", provide a classification, which according to the authors, it is helpful to understand the scope and types of advertising, and is divided by
The target audience: Consumers and companies: A notice is addressed both to consumers or businesses; so, it's advertising or consumer-to-business advertising.
The type of application: Primary or selective: primary demand advertising is designed to stimulate demand for a generic category of a product such as coffee, cotton clothing or electricity. In contrast, selective demand advertising aims to stimulate the demand for specific brands.
The message: From products or institutional: All classified as selective advertising of products or institutions. Product advertising focuses on a product or brand. It is subdivided into:
Advertising Direct Acting Is looking for a quick answer, for example, an ad in a magazine that carries a coupon that urges the reader to send for a free sample.
Advertising indirect action: It is intended to stimulate demand in an extended period. Its purpose is to inform or remind consumers of the product's existence and identify its benefits.
Source: Business or social: Although here focuses attention on commercial messages, the most valuable form of this support is non-commercial, in which a friend or relative reliable Recommend a product
Generally speaking, advertising has two types of objectives: 1) overall objectives and 2) specific objectives.
The general objectives are classified according to the purpose of the objectives. Philip Kotler in his book "Marketing Management, Essential Concepts," proposes the following three types of objectives:
Report: This is a goal that is planned to be achieved in the pioneering stage of a product category in which the objective is to build primary demand. For example, manufacturers of DVD had to initially inform consumers what were the benefits of technology.
Persuade: This object is planned in the competitive stage, in which the goal is to create selective demand for a specific brand.
Remember: This object is applicable when you have mature products. For example, Coca-Cola ads are primarily intended to remind people to purchase Coca-Cola.
The specific objectives of advertising are much more specific. Stanton, Etzel and Walker, authors of "Fundamentals of Marketing", proposed the following objectives:
Supporting personal sales: The objective is to facilitate the work of the sales force by creating awareness among potential customers the company and the products that have sellers.
Improving relationships with distributors: The objective is to satisfy the wholesale and / or retail channels to support them with advertising.
Introducing a new product: The objective is to inform consumers about new products or line extensions.
Expand the use of a product: The target can be any of the following: 1) extend the season for a product, 2) increase the frequency of replacement or 3) increase the variety of uses of the product.
Counter replacement: The objective is to reinforce the decisions of customers and reduce the likelihood of opting for other brands.
advertising needs a sponsor
a person who is willing to inform a certain group of products and / or services offered by particular entity, therefore it is said that advertising is based on communication interested in a weekend.
advertising has a cost
changes depending on the medium that is going to handle
advertising has a target audience
advertising is characterized by addressing a specific audience according to their demographic location, socioeconomic level
advertising has targets to meet
advertising objectives are similar to those of promotion, because they want to inform, remind and persuade. according to what they wish to pursue the target market applies.
advertising uses mass media
advertising makes use of them according to the public that aims and the resources you have
Types of Advertising, According to Experts in the matter:
O'Guinn, Allen and Semenik, authors of "Advertising", consider some of the basic types of advertising are based on functional goals, ie, as the owner tries to accomplish. Functional goals include:
Stimulation of primary demand: It is that the advertiser is to create demand for a product category in general. In its pure form, the purpose of this type of advertising is to educate potential buyers about the fundamental values of the type of product, instead of highlighting a specific brand within the product category.
Stimulation of selective demand: Its purpose is to highlight the particular benefits of a brand compared to the competition.
Direct response advertising is a type of advertising that asks the receiver of the message act immediately [1]. For example, TV ads that try to encourage recipients to purchase a particular product at a special price or a good discount will only last until midnight.
Advertising Delayed Answer: Instead of seeking immediate stimulus action groups, delayed response advertising seeks to create recognition and approval of a brand over time. Usually delayed response advertising is to generate brand awareness, reinforcing the benefits of its use and establishes a general taste for the brand.
Business Advertising: Not designed to promote a specific brand, but works to establish a favorable attitude toward a company as a whole, such as Xerox and IBM.
Laura Fischer and Jorge Espejo, authors of "Marketing", proposed a list of ten types of advertising:
Propaganda: Type of advertising that takes place in mass media to disseminate political and religious ideas.
Advertising according to who sponsors: Divided into:
Advertising by manufacturers
Advertising intermediaries
Made by a non-profit organization Advertising
Advertising for non-commercial / non-profit organizations such as hospitals.
Advertise on cooperative
Advertising in accordance with the payment method: For example, individual advertising sponsored by an individual or an organization acting individually.
Cooperative Advertising: It is divided into:
§ Advertising horizontally cooperative: The cost is shared by entrepreneurs at different levels within the distribution channel.
§ Vertical Cooperative Advertising: A group of business expenditure shares at the same level within the distribution channel. Therefore, manufacturers and wholesalers share the costs of advertising for retailers or manufacturers, and retailers share the costs of advertising to consumers.
Advertising according to the type and purpose of the message is divided into:
§ Advertising to stimulate primary demand: demand is promoted to a general class of products and the acceptance of an idea or a revolutionary concept about a product is stimulated. This type of advertising is mainly used in the introduction of new products to the market.
§ Advertising to stimulate selective demand: the demand for a specific brand is promoted.
Advertising as the purpose of the message is divided into:
§ Advertising Direct Action: It is intended to generate immediate behavior or action in the market, for example, is advertising in newspapers Thursday to stimulate sales weekend.
§ Advertising indirect action: It is aimed to obtain recognition of a product, to develop positive attitudes as a requirement for the purchase action.
Advertising as the focus of the message is divided into:
§ Advertising product: Its purpose is to inform about the product.
§ Institutional Advertising: Create a favorable image of the advertiser.
§ patronage Advertising: Seller is appealing to attract customers buying motives employer type rather than reasons to purchase a product.
§ Advertising PR: Used to create a favorable image of the company to employees, shareholders or the general public.
§ Public Service Advertisement: Your goal is to change attitudes or behaviors for the good of the community or the general public.
According to the receiver advertising: It is divided into:
§ Advertising to consumers: for example, national advertising backed by manufacturers or local advertising and sponsored by retailers to consumers.
§ Advertising manufacturers: It is divided into: 1) Advertising commercial organizations, 2) professional advertising and 3) word of mouth.
Social advertising: It's trying to counteract the effects of commercial advertising as its primary objective. Point consumers to not make unnecessary expenses and buy only the essentials.
Subliminal Advertising: Are messages that are captured but not discovered. Its scope is unexpected, is invisible to all senses and great resource is the use of sex. The objective of this type of advertising is to sell through subliminal attracting attention to existing needs repressed unconscious or subconscious level of the mind of the individual who receives the message.
Stanton, Etzel and Walker, authors of "Fundamentals of Marketing", provide a classification, which according to the authors, it is helpful to understand the scope and types of advertising, and is divided by
The target audience: Consumers and companies: A notice is addressed both to consumers or businesses; so, it's advertising or consumer-to-business advertising.
The type of application: Primary or selective: primary demand advertising is designed to stimulate demand for a generic category of a product such as coffee, cotton clothing or electricity. In contrast, selective demand advertising aims to stimulate the demand for specific brands.
The message: From products or institutional: All classified as selective advertising of products or institutions. Product advertising focuses on a product or brand. It is subdivided into:
Advertising Direct Acting Is looking for a quick answer, for example, an ad in a magazine that carries a coupon that urges the reader to send for a free sample.
Advertising indirect action: It is intended to stimulate demand in an extended period. Its purpose is to inform or remind consumers of the product's existence and identify its benefits.
Source: Business or social: Although here focuses attention on commercial messages, the most valuable form of this support is non-commercial, in which a friend or relative reliable Recommend a product
Generally speaking, advertising has two types of objectives: 1) overall objectives and 2) specific objectives.
The general objectives are classified according to the purpose of the objectives. Philip Kotler in his book "Marketing Management, Essential Concepts," proposes the following three types of objectives:
Report: This is a goal that is planned to be achieved in the pioneering stage of a product category in which the objective is to build primary demand. For example, manufacturers of DVD had to initially inform consumers what were the benefits of technology.
Persuade: This object is planned in the competitive stage, in which the goal is to create selective demand for a specific brand.
Remember: This object is applicable when you have mature products. For example, Coca-Cola ads are primarily intended to remind people to purchase Coca-Cola.
The specific objectives of advertising are much more specific. Stanton, Etzel and Walker, authors of "Fundamentals of Marketing", proposed the following objectives:
Supporting personal sales: The objective is to facilitate the work of the sales force by creating awareness among potential customers the company and the products that have sellers.
Improving relationships with distributors: The objective is to satisfy the wholesale and / or retail channels to support them with advertising.
Introducing a new product: The objective is to inform consumers about new products or line extensions.
Expand the use of a product: The target can be any of the following: 1) extend the season for a product, 2) increase the frequency of replacement or 3) increase the variety of uses of the product.
Counter replacement: The objective is to reinforce the decisions of customers and reduce the likelihood of opting for other brands.
advertising needs a sponsor
a person who is willing to inform a certain group of products and / or services offered by particular entity, therefore it is said that advertising is based on communication interested in a weekend.
advertising has a cost
changes depending on the medium that is going to handle
advertising has a target audience
advertising is characterized by addressing a specific audience according to their demographic location, socioeconomic level
advertising has targets to meet
advertising objectives are similar to those of promotion, because they want to inform, remind and persuade. according to what they wish to pursue the target market applies.
advertising uses mass media
advertising makes use of them according to the public that aims and the resources you have
La publicidad es considerada como una de las más
poderosas herramientas de la mercadotecnia, específicamente de la
promoción, que es utilizada por empresas, organizaciones no lucrativas,
instituciones del estado y personas individuales, para dar a conocer un
determinado mensaje relacionado con sus productos, servicios, ideas u otros, a
su grupo objetivo.
Tipos de Publicidad, Según Expertos en la
O´Guinn, Allen y Semenik, autores del libro "Publicidad",
consideran que algunos de los tipos
básicos de publicidad se basan en metas funcionales, es decir,
en lo que el anunciante trata de lograr. Las metas funcionales incluyen:
- Estimulación de la demanda primaria: Consiste en que el anunciante trata de crear demanda para una categoría de producto en general. En su forma pura, el propósito de este tipo de publicidad es educar a los compradores potenciales en cuanto a los valores fundamentales del tipo de producto, en lugar de destacar una marca específica dentro de la categoría del producto.
- Estimulación de la demanda selectiva: Su propósito es señalar los beneficios particulares de una marca en comparación con las de la competencia.
- Publicidad de respuesta directa: Es un tipo de publicidad que solicita al receptor del mensaje actuar de inmediato [1]. Por ejemplo, los anuncios en televisión que tratan de estimular a los receptores a que compren un determinado producto a un precio especial o con un buen descuento que solo durará hasta la medianoche.
- Publicidad de respuesta retardada: En lugar de buscar el estímulo de la acción inmediata del público, la publicidad de respuesta retardada busca crear el reconocimiento y la aprobación de una marca a lo largo del tiempo. Por lo general, la publicidad de respuesta retardada trata de generar el conocimiento de la marca, refuerza los beneficios de su uso y establece un gusto general por la marca.
- Publicidad
empresarial: No
se diseña para promover una marca específica, sino que funciona para
establecer una actitud favorable hacia una compañía como un todo, por
ejemplo, Xerox e IBM.
Laura Fischer y Jorge Espejo, autores del libro "Mercadotecnia",
proponen una lista que incluye diez tipos de publicidad:
- Propaganda: Tipo de publicidad que se realiza en medios
masivos de comunicación para difundir ideas políticas y religiosas.
- Publicidad
de acuerdo a quién lo patrocina: Se
divide en:
- Publicidad
por fabricantes
- Publicidad
por intermediarios
- Publicidad
hecha por una organización no lucrativa
- Publicidad
por organizaciones no comerciales / no lucrativas, como hospitales.
- Publicidad
en cooperativa
- Publicidad
de acuerdo con la forma de pago:
Por ejemplo, publicidad individual, patrocinada por un individuo o una
organización que actúa en lo individual.
- Publicidad
en cooperativa: Se
divide en:
en cooperativa horizontal: El
costo es compartido por los empresarios a diferentes niveles dentro del canal
de distribución.
en cooperativa vertical: Un
grupo de empresarios comparte el gasto al mismo nivel dentro del canal de
distribución. Por lo tanto, los fabricantes y mayoristas comparten los costos
de la publicidad hecha para minoristas o fabricantes, y los minoristas
comparten los costos de la publicidad para los consumidores.
Publicidad de acuerdo con el tipo y propósito del
mensaje: Se divide en:
para estimular la demanda primaria: Se
promueve la demanda para una clase general de productos y se estimula la
aceptación de una idea o un concepto revolucionario acerca de un producto. Este
tipo de publicidad se utiliza principalmente en la introducción de productos
nuevos para el mercado.
para estimular la demanda selectiva: Se
promueve la demanda de una marca específica.
Publicidad según el propósito del mensaje: Se divide en:
de acción directa: Tiene
el propósito de generar una conducta inmediata o una acción en el mercado, por
ejemplo, la publicidad que se hace los jueves en los periódicos para estimular
las ventas del fin de semana.
de acción indirecta: Está
encaminada a obtener el reconocimiento de un producto, a desarrollar actitudes
favorables como requisito para la acción de compra.
Publicidad según el enfoque del mensaje: Se divide en:
en el producto: Su propósito es informar acerca del producto.
institucional: Crea
una imagen favorable del anunciante.
de patronazgo: El
vendedor trata de atraer clientes apelando a motivos de compra de tipo patronal
más que a motivos de compra de un producto.
de relaciones públicas: Se usa
para crear una imagen favorable de la empresa ante empleados, accionistas o
público en general.
de servicio público: Su
objetivo es cambiar actitudes o conductas para el bien de la comunidad o el
público en general.
Publicidad de acuerdo al receptor: Se divide en:
a consumidores: Por
ejemplo, publicidad nacional respaldada por fabricantes o publicidad local
patrocinada por los minoristas y dirigida a los consumidores.
a fabricantes: Se
divide en: 1) Publicidad a organizaciones comerciales, 2) publicidad
profesional y 3) publicidad boca a boca.
Publicidad social: Tiene como objetivo primordial el tratar de contrarrestar los efectos de
la publicidad comercial. Orienta al consumidor para que no haga gastos
superfluos y compre solo lo indispensable.
Publicidad subliminal: Son mensajes que se captan pero no se descubren. Su alcance es
insospechado, es invisible a todos los sentidos y su gran recurso está en el
uso del sexo. El objetivo de este tipo de publicidad es vender mediante la
atracción subliminal de la atención a necesidades reprimidas existentes a nivel
subconsciente o inconsciente de la mente del individuo que percibe dicho mensaje.
Stanton, Etzel y Walker, autores del libro "Fundamentos de
Marketing", proporcionan una clasificación, que a criterio de los autores,
es muy útil para comprender el alcance y los tipos de publicidad, y que se divide según
- La
audiencia meta: Consumidores o empresas: Un anuncio se dirige tanto a consumidores o a empresas; así, es
publicidad de consumo o bien publicidad de negocio a negocio .
- El
tipo de demanda: Primaria o selectiva: La
publicidad de demanda primaria está diseñada para estimular la demanda de
una categoría genérica de un producto como café, electricidad o ropa de
algodón. En cambio, la publicidad de demanda selectiva tiene por objeto
estimular la demanda de marcas específicas.
- El
mensaje: De productos o institucional:
Toda la publicidad selectiva se clasifica como de productos o
instituciones. La publicidad de productos se centra en un producto o
marca. Se subdivide en :
- Publicidad
de acción directa:
Es la que busca una respuesta rápida, por ejemplo, un anuncio en una
revista que lleva un cupón que exhorta al lector a enviarla para
solicitar una muestra gratuita.
- Publicidad
de acción indirecta:
Está destinada a estimular la demanda en un periodo extenso. Su
finalidad es informar o recordar a los consumidores de la existencia del
producto y señalar sus beneficios.
- La
fuente: Comercial o social:
Aunque se centra aquí la atención en los mensajes comerciales, la forma
más valiosa de este apoyo es la no comercial, en que un amigo o pariente
fiables recomiendan un producto
términos generales, la publicidad tiene
dos tipos de objetivos:
1) objetivos generales y 2) objetivos específicos.
Los objetivos generales, se clasifican
según el propósito de los objetivos. Philip Kotler en su libro "Dirección de Marketing,
Conceptos Esenciales", propone los siguientes tres
tipos de objetivos:
- Informar: Este es un objetivo que se
planea alcanzar en la etapa pionera de una categoría de productos, en la
que el objetivo es crear demanda primaria. Por ejemplo,
los fabricantes de DVD tuvieron que informar en un principio a los
consumidores cuáles eran los beneficios de su tecnología.
- Persuadir: Este objetivo se planifica
en la etapa competitiva, en la que el objetivo es crear demanda selectiva
por una marca específica.
- Recordar: Este objetivo es aplicable
cuando se tienen productos maduros. Por ejemplo, los anuncios de Coca-Cola
tienen la intención primordial de recordar a la gente que compre Coca-Cola.
Los objetivos específicos de la publicidad son mucho más
puntuales. Stanton, Etzel y Walker,
autores del libro "Fundamentos de Marketing", proponen los siguientes
- Respaldo
a las ventas personales: El objetivo es
facilitar el trabajo de la fuerza de ventas dando a conocer a los clientes
potenciales la compañía y los productos que presentan los vendedores.
- Mejorar
las relaciones con los distribuidores: El objetivo es
satisfacer a los canales mayoristas y/o minoristas al apoyarlos con la publicidad.
- Introducir
un producto nuevo: El objetivo es
informar a los consumidores acerca de los nuevos productos o de las extensiones
de línea.
- Expandir
el uso de un producto: El objetivo puede
ser alguno de los siguientes: 1) extender la temporada de un producto, 2)
aumentar la frecuencia de reemplazo o 3) incrementar la variedad de usos
del producto.
- Contrarrestar
la sustitución: El objetivo es
reforzar las decisiones de los clientes actuales y reducir la probabilidad
de que opten por otras marcas.
- la publicidad necesita de un patrocinador
- una persona que esté dispuesta a informar a un grupo determinado sobre los productos y/o servicios que ofrece determinada entidad, por lo tanto se dice que la publicidad se fundamenta en la comunicación interesada en un fin.
- la publicidad tiene un costo
- cambia según el medio de comunicación que se va a manejar
- la publicidad tiene un público objetivo
- la publicidad se caracteriza por dirigirse a un público determinado de acuerdo a su ubicación demográfica, a su nivel socio económico
- la publicidad tiene objetivos que cumplir
- los objetivos de la publicidad son similares a los de promoción, debido a que desean informar, recordar y persuadir. de acuerdo a lo que deseen llevar a cabo en el mercado se aplica el objetivo.
- la publicidad utiliza medios masivos de comunicación
- la publicidad hace usos de éstos de acuerdo al público que tiene como objetivo y a los recursos que posee
History of marketing
Marketing is the group of techniques used for the marketing and distribution of a product among different consumers. The producer must try to design and produce consumer goods that satisfy consumer needs . To discover what these marketing knowledge are used.
At first it was limited to trying to sell a product that was already made , ie marketing activity was after the production of the good and only intended to promote sales of a final product , now has many more features to be met before production process is started .
The marketing concept is based on two fundamental beliefs. First, all planning, policy and operation of a business should be directed to the customer ; Second , the goal of a company should be profitable volume sales. In its fullest sense , the marketing concept is a business philosophy that determines the satisfaction of the desire of customers is the economic and social justification for the existence of a company. Consequently , all activities of production, engineering and finance, and marketing, must be dedicated to first determine what the customer desires and then to satisfy this desire as well as a reasonable profit is obtained. The second key point in the philosophy of marketing is based is that it is based on the concept of earnings, not on the concept of volume.
In another marketing concept is defined as: " An associative state of mind that emphasizes the integration and coordination of all marketing functions which in turn are linked to other functions of society, with the basic objective of producing maximum benefit of society . "
Analysis of a market and its needs, determining the appropriate product, its features and price , the selection of a segment within it, and how to communicate our message and the logistics of product distribution , are part of the art known as Marketing , Marketing or Marketing.
It is common for " marketing " , " sales " is understood, although there are two different concepts . The explanation of the historical development of marketing them clarify any confusion in both terms.
The simplest and clearest definition of Marketing gives Jay C. Levinson in a book published in 1985 , entitled Guerrilla Marketing:
Marketing is everything you do to promote an activity , from the time the idea is conceived until the time customers begin to purchase the product or service on a regular basis. The key words in this definition are everything and regular basis.
The meaning of this is : Marketing Wraps from naming a company or product , select the product, the determination of where the product or service will sell the color , the shape, size , packaging, business location , the advertising, public relations , type of sale to be made, sales training , sales presentation , problem solving , strategic growth plan, and monitoring.
CONCEPTUALIZATIONIn a historical study of marketing can be seen first , the factors that caused the changes in marketing ; second current heritage of ancient practices and institutions of marketing, and third, the relative stability over time .
In a feudal , agricultural or forest economy , the population is largely self-sufficient . Produce your own food , make your own fabric and build their own houses and utensils. There is very little specialization of labor and very little need for any trade . In the course of time , however , starts to be born the concept of division of labor and artisans focus their efforts on the production of that product in that stand . This results each man produces more than a few items you need , but lacking other products. As a person who produces more of what you want displayed, or more than it produces , there is a basis for trade and commerce is the heart of marketing.
When the exchange begins to develop in agrarian economies , does so on very simple rules. Most businesses are small scale without some specialization in their direction. They develop from family craft organizations and mainly serves the production , paying little or no attention to marketing. In fact, the normal practice is to produce on request manually .
In the next step of the historical evolution of marketing small producers begin to manufacture their products in greater quantities in anticipation of future orders . A new division on the type of work when a man begins to help business selling that increased production. This man, who acts as liaison between producers and consumers is the intermediary .
For easier communication, buying and selling , different stakeholders tend to cluster geographically ; thus the malls are created. There are today some nations who are going through this stage of economic development. It can be seen that the refinements and advances in marketing are generally the progress of civilization.
Modern marketing in the United States began with the Industrial Revolution. Commonwealth or by-product of the Industrial Revolution came the growth of urban centers and the decline of the rural population . The craftsmanship family became factories and people moved from rural to urban areas looking for work. Increased utilities to satisfy the daily needs of industrial workers who are no longer self-sufficient. The only marketing was developed during the latter half of the nineteenth century and the first two decades of the twentieth century. All the focus was on increasing production due to market demand exceeded the supply of the product .
Indeed , mass marketing was a prerequisite for the production. Only a system of mass marketing could run the factories at an optimal level of production, with the advantage of being able to enjoy the economies of production resulting from the dimension extent that the manufacturing economy developed and became more complex , the channels which flowed trade grew older ; they had to be better ways to sell industrial production. Increased marketing specialists was required to pass this evolutionary development.
Evolution of Marketing conceptHISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF MARKETINGThe marketing concept of a simple concern for sell, and profit.
The marketing concept has been modified from a massive orientation to what has been called one to one marketing ( one-to -one ) . Marketing , like all processes , is dynamic and changing, is constantly changing . This process , in spite of what is created , it has not happened at the same time in all countries or regions.
It is in the United States where the process has gone through all the phases listed below. Every person reading this text should identify what state of development of the concept of marketing and implementation thereof, are peers, superiors, business, neighborhood , city, region, state or country. Are they in 1800 , 1920 or 1950 ?
Orientation to ProductionFrom 1800 to the year 1920 , companies in Europe and U.S. showed a clear orientation to production. Since everything that occurred was consumed immediately , manufacture determined the characteristics of the products . It was necessary to market to sell. Everything is consumed immediately, whatever it was what was produced . The consumer had no time to select or form or color, taking anything. Demand exceeded supply .
Guidance for SaleSince the crisis of 1920, where the purchasing power is reduced to a minimum, created and developed products, which then attempted to enter the market . Many of these products were not successful, others had momentary success . It starts to give great importance to sales as a revenue generator . Selling techniques to develop. (Hence the current confusion of sales and marketing concepts originates ) .
Market OrientationMarketing processes were analyzed by the Americans, especially Harvard Universities , and gradually has developed a number of theories to ensure the success of any business .
The concept originated the Marketing or Marketing (1950 , Harvard, Theodore Levitt ) , was the guide to the products ( Target Market ) Buyers Group that was to consume or use . Along with this promotion efforts to the masses ( mass marketing ) is directed through the mass media begin to appear (cinema , radio , television) .
One to one marketing .Since 1990 , the concept of customer-oriented marketing is refined , and begins to create products and services to people in particular with the use of complex computer systems able to identify specific customers and their specific needs. The segments are reduced down to highly specific target groups , almost specific individuals by name . This is giving each his own . This new step compels and allows the creation of new , your price reduction and globalization of the economy.Author :
Marketing is the group of techniques used for the marketing and distribution of a product among different consumers. The producer must try to design and produce consumer goods that satisfy consumer needs . To discover what these marketing knowledge are used.
At first it was limited to trying to sell a product that was already made , ie marketing activity was after the production of the good and only intended to promote sales of a final product , now has many more features to be met before production process is started .
The marketing concept is based on two fundamental beliefs. First, all planning, policy and operation of a business should be directed to the customer ; Second , the goal of a company should be profitable volume sales. In its fullest sense , the marketing concept is a business philosophy that determines the satisfaction of the desire of customers is the economic and social justification for the existence of a company. Consequently , all activities of production, engineering and finance, and marketing, must be dedicated to first determine what the customer desires and then to satisfy this desire as well as a reasonable profit is obtained. The second key point in the philosophy of marketing is based is that it is based on the concept of earnings, not on the concept of volume.
In another marketing concept is defined as: " An associative state of mind that emphasizes the integration and coordination of all marketing functions which in turn are linked to other functions of society, with the basic objective of producing maximum benefit of society . "
Analysis of a market and its needs, determining the appropriate product, its features and price , the selection of a segment within it, and how to communicate our message and the logistics of product distribution , are part of the art known as Marketing , Marketing or Marketing.
It is common for " marketing " , " sales " is understood, although there are two different concepts . The explanation of the historical development of marketing them clarify any confusion in both terms.
The simplest and clearest definition of Marketing gives Jay C. Levinson in a book published in 1985 , entitled Guerrilla Marketing:
Marketing is everything you do to promote an activity , from the time the idea is conceived until the time customers begin to purchase the product or service on a regular basis. The key words in this definition are everything and regular basis.
The meaning of this is : Marketing Wraps from naming a company or product , select the product, the determination of where the product or service will sell the color , the shape, size , packaging, business location , the advertising, public relations , type of sale to be made, sales training , sales presentation , problem solving , strategic growth plan, and monitoring.
CONCEPTUALIZATIONIn a historical study of marketing can be seen first , the factors that caused the changes in marketing ; second current heritage of ancient practices and institutions of marketing, and third, the relative stability over time .
In a feudal , agricultural or forest economy , the population is largely self-sufficient . Produce your own food , make your own fabric and build their own houses and utensils. There is very little specialization of labor and very little need for any trade . In the course of time , however , starts to be born the concept of division of labor and artisans focus their efforts on the production of that product in that stand . This results each man produces more than a few items you need , but lacking other products. As a person who produces more of what you want displayed, or more than it produces , there is a basis for trade and commerce is the heart of marketing.
When the exchange begins to develop in agrarian economies , does so on very simple rules. Most businesses are small scale without some specialization in their direction. They develop from family craft organizations and mainly serves the production , paying little or no attention to marketing. In fact, the normal practice is to produce on request manually .
In the next step of the historical evolution of marketing small producers begin to manufacture their products in greater quantities in anticipation of future orders . A new division on the type of work when a man begins to help business selling that increased production. This man, who acts as liaison between producers and consumers is the intermediary .
For easier communication, buying and selling , different stakeholders tend to cluster geographically ; thus the malls are created. There are today some nations who are going through this stage of economic development. It can be seen that the refinements and advances in marketing are generally the progress of civilization.
Modern marketing in the United States began with the Industrial Revolution. Commonwealth or by-product of the Industrial Revolution came the growth of urban centers and the decline of the rural population . The craftsmanship family became factories and people moved from rural to urban areas looking for work. Increased utilities to satisfy the daily needs of industrial workers who are no longer self-sufficient. The only marketing was developed during the latter half of the nineteenth century and the first two decades of the twentieth century. All the focus was on increasing production due to market demand exceeded the supply of the product .
Indeed , mass marketing was a prerequisite for the production. Only a system of mass marketing could run the factories at an optimal level of production, with the advantage of being able to enjoy the economies of production resulting from the dimension extent that the manufacturing economy developed and became more complex , the channels which flowed trade grew older ; they had to be better ways to sell industrial production. Increased marketing specialists was required to pass this evolutionary development.
Evolution of Marketing conceptHISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF MARKETINGThe marketing concept of a simple concern for sell, and profit.
The marketing concept has been modified from a massive orientation to what has been called one to one marketing ( one-to -one ) . Marketing , like all processes , is dynamic and changing, is constantly changing . This process , in spite of what is created , it has not happened at the same time in all countries or regions.
It is in the United States where the process has gone through all the phases listed below. Every person reading this text should identify what state of development of the concept of marketing and implementation thereof, are peers, superiors, business, neighborhood , city, region, state or country. Are they in 1800 , 1920 or 1950 ?
Orientation to ProductionFrom 1800 to the year 1920 , companies in Europe and U.S. showed a clear orientation to production. Since everything that occurred was consumed immediately , manufacture determined the characteristics of the products . It was necessary to market to sell. Everything is consumed immediately, whatever it was what was produced . The consumer had no time to select or form or color, taking anything. Demand exceeded supply .
Guidance for SaleSince the crisis of 1920, where the purchasing power is reduced to a minimum, created and developed products, which then attempted to enter the market . Many of these products were not successful, others had momentary success . It starts to give great importance to sales as a revenue generator . Selling techniques to develop. (Hence the current confusion of sales and marketing concepts originates ) .
Market OrientationMarketing processes were analyzed by the Americans, especially Harvard Universities , and gradually has developed a number of theories to ensure the success of any business .
The concept originated the Marketing or Marketing (1950 , Harvard, Theodore Levitt ) , was the guide to the products ( Target Market ) Buyers Group that was to consume or use . Along with this promotion efforts to the masses ( mass marketing ) is directed through the mass media begin to appear (cinema , radio , television) .
One to one marketing .Since 1990 , the concept of customer-oriented marketing is refined , and begins to create products and services to people in particular with the use of complex computer systems able to identify specific customers and their specific needs. The segments are reduced down to highly specific target groups , almost specific individuals by name . This is giving each his own . This new step compels and allows the creation of new , your price reduction and globalization of the economy.Author :
miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014
Historia del mercadeo
Se considera marketing al conjunto de técnicas utilizadas para la comercialización y distribución de un producto entre los diferentes consumidores. El productor debe intentar diseñar y producir bienes de consumo que satisfagan las necesidades del consumidor. Con el fin de descubrir cuáles son éstas se utilizan los conocimientos del marketing.
Al principio se limitaba a intentar vender un producto que ya estaba fabricado, es decir, la actividad de marketing era posterior a la producción del bien y sólo pretendía fomentar las ventas de un producto final, ahora tiene muchas más funciones que han de cumplirse antes de iniciarse el proceso de producción.
El concepto de marketing se basa en dos creencias fundamentales. Primero, toda planificación, política y funcionamiento de una empresa debe orientarse hacia el cliente; segundo, la meta de una empresa debe ser un volumen de ventas lucrativos. En su sentido más pleno, el concepto de marketing es una filosofía de los negocios que determina que la satisfacción del deseo de los clientes es la justificación económica y social de la existencia de una empresa. Consecuentemente, todas las actividades de producción, ingeniería y finanzas, así como el marketing, deben estar dedicada primero a determinar cuales son los deseos del clientes, y, entonces, a satisfacer ese deseo a la vez que se obtenga un beneficio razonable. El segundo punto fundamental en que se apoya la filosofía del marketing es que está basada en el concepto de las ganancias, no en el concepto del volumen.
En otro orden el concepto de marketing se define como: "Un estado asociativo de la mente que insiste en la integración y coordinación de todas las funciones del marketing que a su vez están unidas a otras funciones de la sociedad, con el objetivo básico de producir el máximo beneficio de la sociedad".
El Análisis de un Mercado y sus necesidades, la determinación del Producto adecuado, sus Características y Precio, la Selección de un Segmento dentro del mismo, y como comunicar nuestro Mensaje y la logística de la Distribución del producto, son parte del arte conocido como Comercialización, Mercadeo o Marketing.
Es corriente que por "mercadeo" se entienda "ventas", aunque son dos conceptos diferentes. La explicación de la evolución histórica del mercadeo, les aclarará cualquier posible confusión en ambos términos.
La definición más simple y clara de Mercadeo la da Jay C. Levinson en un libro que publicara en 1985, titulado Guerrilla Marketing:
Mercadeo es todo lo que se haga para promover una actividad, desde el momento que se concibe la idea, hasta el momento que los clientes comienzan a adquirir el producto o servicio en una base regular. Las palabras claves en esta definición son todo y base regular.
El sentido de esto es: Mercadeo envuelve desde poner nombre a una empresa o producto, seleccionar el producto, la determinación del lugar donde se venderá el producto o servicio, el color, la forma, tamaño, el empaque, la localización del negocio, la publicidad, las relaciones públicas, el tipo de venta que se hará, el entrenamiento de ventas, la presentación de ventas, la solución de problemas, el plan estratégico de crecimiento, y el seguimiento.
En un estudio histórico del marketing se puede observar primero, los factores que causaron los cambios del marketing; segundo la herencia actual de antiguas prácticas e instituciones del marketing, y tercero, la relativa estabilidad a través del tiempo.
En una economía feudal, agraria o forestal, la población es en gran parte autosuficiente. Produce sus propios alimentos, hace sus propias telas y construye sus propias casas y utensilios. Hay muy poca especialización en el trabajo y muy poca necesidad de cualquier tipo de comercio. En el transcurrir del tiempo, sin embargo, comienza a nacer el concepto de división del trabajo y los artesanos concentran sus esfuerzos en la producción de aquel artículo en el que sobresalen. Esto da como resultado que cada hombre produce de algunos artículos más de lo que necesita, pero careciendo de los demás productos. En cuanto aparece una persona que produce más de lo que desea, o desea más de lo que produce, existe la base para el comercio y el comercio es el corazón del marketing.
Cuando el intercambio comienza a desarrollarse en las economías agrarias, lo hace sobre bases muy sencillas. La mayoría de los negocios lo son en pequeña escala sin especialización alguna en su dirección. Se desarrollan a partir de organizaciones artesanas familiares y se atiende principalmente a la producción, prestando muy poca o ninguna atención al marketing. De hecho la práctica normal es producir manualmente bajo pedido.
En el paso siguiente de la evolución histórica del marketing los pequeños productores comienzan a fabricar sus productos en mayor cantidad anticipándose a los pedidos futuros. Aparece una nueva división en el trabajo cuando un tipo de hombre de negocio comienza a ayudar a la venta de esa mayor producción. Este hombre -que actúa como ligazón entre productores y consumidores- es el intermediario.
Para ser más fácil la comunicación, la compra y la venta, las distintas partes interesadas tienden a agruparse geográficamente; de esta forma se crean los centros comerciales. Existen hoy en día algunas naciones que están atravesando esta etapa de desarrollo económico. Se puede apreciar que los refinamientos y los avances del marketing van en general de los avances de la civilización.
El marketing moderno en los Estados Unidos nació con la Revolución Industrial. Asociado o como sub-producto de la Revolución Industrial vino el crecimiento de los centros urbanos y el descenso de la población rural. La artesanía familiares se transformaron en fábricas y la gente pasó del campo a la ciudad buscando trabajo. Crecieron las empresas de servicios para satisfacer las necesidades diarias de los obreros industriales que dejaron de ser autosuficientes. El marketing apenas se desarrolló durante la última mitad del siglo XIX y las dos primeras décadas del siglo XX. Todo el interés se centraba en el aumento de la producción debido a que la demanda del mercado excedía a la oferta del producto.
De hecho, el marketing masivo fue un requisito previo para la producción en serie. Solamente con un sistema de marketing masivo pudieron funcionar las fabricas en un nivel óptimo de la producción, con la ventaja de poder disfrutar de las economías de producción derivado de la dimensión a medida en que se desarrolló la economía fabril y se hizo más compleja, los canales por lo que fluyó el comercio se hicieron mayores; tuvieron que encontrarse métodos mejores para vender la producción industrial. El aumento de especialistas en marketing fue el paso obligatorio de este desarrollo evolutivo.
Evolución del concepto de Comercialización
El concepto de comercializar parte de una simple preocupación por vender, y obtener utilidades.
El concepto de mercadeo ha ido modificándose de una orientación masiva, a lo que se ha dado en llamar mercadeo uno a uno (one-to-one). El mercadeo, como todo proceso, es dinámico y cambia, se modifica constantemente. Este proceso, pese a lo que se crea, no ha ocurrido al mismo tiempo en todos los países, o regiones del mundo.
Es en los Estados Unidos de América donde el proceso ha pasado por todas las fases que indicamos a continuación. Cada persona que lea este texto deberá identificar en qué estado de desarrollo del concepto de mercadeo y aplicación del mismo, se encuentran sus compañeros, superiores, empresa, barrio, ciudad, región, provincia o país. ¿Están en 1800, 1920 o en 1950?
Orientación a la Producción
Desde 1800 hasta los año 1920, las empresas en Europa y EE.UU. mostraban una clara orientación a la producción. Dado que todo lo que se produjera era consumido de inmediato, la manufactura determinaba las características de los productos. No era necesario comercializar para vender. Todo se consumía de inmediato, fuera lo que fuera lo que se producía. El consumidor no tenía tiempo de seleccionar ni forma, ni color, tomaba cualquier cosa. La demanda superaba la oferta.
Orientación a la Venta
A partir de la crisis del año 1920, donde la capacidad de compra se redujo al mínimo, se crearon y desarrollaron productos, que luego trataban de introducirse en el Mercado. Muchos de esos productos no tuvieron éxito, otros tuvieron éxito momentáneo. Se comienza a dar gran importancia a las ventas, como generador de ingresos. Se desarrollan técnicas destinadas a vender. (De aquí se origina la confusión corriente de los conceptos venta y mercadeo).
Orientación al Mercado
Los procesos de comercialización fueron analizados por las Universidades Americanas, Harvard en especial, y poco a poco se ha ido desarrollando toda una serie de teorías, para asegurar el éxito de cualquier actividad comercial.
El concepto que dio origen al Mercadeo o Marketing (1950, Harvard, Teodore Levitt), fué el de orientar los productos al Grupo de Compradores (Mercado Meta) que los iba a consumir o usar. Junto con ello se dirige los esfuerzos de promoción a las masas (mass marketing), por medio de los medios masivos que comienzan a aparecer (cine, radio, televisión).
Mercadeo Uno a uno.
A partir de 1990, se refina el concepto de mercadeo orientado al cliente, y se comienza a crear productos y servicios orientados a personas en particular, con la utilización de complejos sistemas informáticos capaces de identificar clientes específicos y sus necesidades concretas. Los segmentos se van reduciendo hasta llegar a grupos meta altamente determinados, casi personas concretas, con nombre y apellido. Estos es dando a cada cual lo suyo. Este nuevo paso lo impulsa y permite la creación de nuevas, su reducción de precio y la Globalización de la economía.
Juan Londoño
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