lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014

History of marketing

Marketing is the group of techniques used for the marketing and distribution of a product among different consumers. The producer must try to design and produce consumer goods that satisfy consumer needs . To discover what these marketing knowledge are used.
At first it was limited to trying to sell a product that was already made ​​, ie marketing activity was after the production of the good and only intended to promote sales of a final product , now has many more features to be met before production process is started .
The marketing concept is based on two fundamental beliefs. First, all planning, policy and operation of a business should be directed to the customer ; Second , the goal of a company should be profitable volume sales. In its fullest sense , the marketing concept is a business philosophy that determines the satisfaction of the desire of customers is the economic and social justification for the existence of a company. Consequently , all activities of production, engineering and finance, and marketing, must be dedicated to first determine what the customer desires and then to satisfy this desire as well as a reasonable profit is obtained. The second key point in the philosophy of marketing is based is that it is based on the concept of earnings, not on the concept of volume.
In another marketing concept is defined as: " An associative state of mind that emphasizes the integration and coordination of all marketing functions which in turn are linked to other functions of society, with the basic objective of producing maximum benefit of society . "
Analysis of a market and its needs, determining the appropriate product, its features and price , the selection of a segment within it, and how to communicate our message and the logistics of product distribution , are part of the art known as Marketing , Marketing or Marketing.
It is common for " marketing " , " sales " is understood, although there are two different concepts . The explanation of the historical development of marketing them clarify any confusion in both terms.
The simplest and clearest definition of Marketing gives Jay C. Levinson in a book published in 1985 , entitled Guerrilla Marketing:
Marketing is everything you do to promote an activity , from the time the idea is conceived until the time customers begin to purchase the product or service on a regular basis. The key words in this definition are everything and regular basis.
The meaning of this is : Marketing Wraps from naming a company or product , select the product, the determination of where the product or service will sell the color , the shape, size , packaging, business location , the advertising, public relations , type of sale to be made, sales training , sales presentation , problem solving , strategic growth plan, and monitoring.
CONCEPTUALIZATIONIn a historical study of marketing can be seen first , the factors that caused the changes in marketing ; second current heritage of ancient practices and institutions of marketing, and third, the relative stability over time .
In a feudal , agricultural or forest economy , the population is largely self-sufficient . Produce your own food , make your own fabric and build their own houses and utensils. There is very little specialization of labor and very little need for any trade . In the course of time , however , starts to be born the concept of division of labor and artisans focus their efforts on the production of that product in that stand . This results each man produces more than a few items you need , but lacking other products. As a person who produces more of what you want displayed, or more than it produces , there is a basis for trade and commerce is the heart of marketing.
When the exchange begins to develop in agrarian economies , does so on very simple rules. Most businesses are small scale without some specialization in their direction. They develop from family craft organizations and mainly serves the production , paying little or no attention to marketing. In fact, the normal practice is to produce on request manually .
In the next step of the historical evolution of marketing small producers begin to manufacture their products in greater quantities in anticipation of future orders . A new division on the type of work when a man begins to help business selling that increased production. This man, who acts as liaison between producers and consumers is the intermediary .
For easier communication, buying and selling , different stakeholders tend to cluster geographically ; thus the malls are created. There are today some nations who are going through this stage of economic development. It can be seen that the refinements and advances in marketing are generally the progress of civilization.
Modern marketing in the United States began with the Industrial Revolution. Commonwealth or by-product of the Industrial Revolution came the growth of urban centers and the decline of the rural population . The craftsmanship family became factories and people moved from rural to urban areas looking for work. Increased utilities to satisfy the daily needs of industrial workers who are no longer self-sufficient. The only marketing was developed during the latter half of the nineteenth century and the first two decades of the twentieth century. All the focus was on increasing production due to market demand exceeded the supply of the product .
Indeed , mass marketing was a prerequisite for the production. Only a system of mass marketing could run the factories at an optimal level of production, with the advantage of being able to enjoy the economies of production resulting from the dimension extent that the manufacturing economy developed and became more complex , the channels which flowed trade grew older ; they had to be better ways to sell industrial production. Increased marketing specialists was required to pass this evolutionary development.
Evolution of Marketing conceptHISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF MARKETINGThe marketing concept of a simple concern for sell, and profit.
The marketing concept has been modified from a massive orientation to what has been called one to one marketing ( one-to -one ) . Marketing , like all processes , is dynamic and changing, is constantly changing . This process , in spite of what is created , it has not happened at the same time in all countries or regions.
It is in the United States where the process has gone through all the phases listed below. Every person reading this text should identify what state of development of the concept of marketing and implementation thereof, are peers, superiors, business, neighborhood , city, region, state or country. Are they in 1800 , 1920 or 1950 ?
Orientation to ProductionFrom 1800 to the year 1920 , companies in Europe and U.S. showed a clear orientation to production. Since everything that occurred was consumed immediately , manufacture determined the characteristics of the products . It was necessary to market to sell. Everything is consumed immediately, whatever it was what was produced . The consumer had no time to select or form or color, taking anything. Demand exceeded supply .
Guidance for SaleSince the crisis of 1920, where the purchasing power is reduced to a minimum, created and developed products, which then attempted to enter the market . Many of these products were not successful, others had momentary success . It starts to give great importance to sales as a revenue generator . Selling techniques to develop. (Hence the current confusion of sales and marketing concepts originates ) .
Market OrientationMarketing processes were analyzed by the Americans, especially Harvard Universities , and gradually has developed a number of theories to ensure the success of any business .
The concept originated the Marketing or Marketing (1950 , Harvard, Theodore Levitt ) , was the guide to the products ( Target Market ) Buyers Group that was to consume or use . Along with this promotion efforts to the masses ( mass marketing ) is directed through the mass media begin to appear (cinema , radio , television) .
One to one marketing .Since 1990 , the concept of customer-oriented marketing is refined , and begins to create products and services to people in particular with the use of complex computer systems able to identify specific customers and their specific needs. The segments are reduced down to highly specific target groups , almost specific individuals by name . This is giving each his own . This new step compels and allows the creation of new , your price reduction and globalization of the economy.Author :

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