It is a form of commercial communication that aims to increase the consumption of a product or service through the media and propaganda techniques .
Through research, analysis and study of many disciplines , such as psychology , neuroeconomics , sociology , anthropology , statistics, and economics, which are found in the market study , it may, from the point of view of the seller, develop an appropriate message to the public.
Advertising has two objectives , according to owner preferences , goals , or market demands .
In the first instance , ideally , advertising informs consumers about the benefits of a particular product or service, highlighting differentiation over other brands.
Second, advertising seeks to tip the motivational balance subject to the product announced by psychological means so that the probability that the object or service advertised is purchased by the consumer is made thanks to higher ad. This kind of advertising is significantly dominant in the ads above the line , for time on television or space in the paper are limited , and we need to create a preference for the advertised product from Quick arguments are not always the objective demonstration of the superiority of the product over the competition , or that is necessary , but often simply a concatenation of appetitive stimuli (see Psychology) with the product; Examples of this are many commercial Coca -Cola , and happy situations where people show mainly consuming the product , which usually solidifies within implicit slogans like " Take Coca -Cola is to be happy ',' If you drink Coca- be happy tail "or" happy people make Coca -cola . "
In addition , advertising allows the economic independence of the media from the state.
One of the main objectives of advertising is to create demand or changing trends demand for a product ( good or service) . Understanding that seeks to identify the appropriate marketing for each product , advertising is communication by which the product information is transmitted to these individuals (target audience ) . The ads generally try to find a unique selling proposition (USP , Unique Selling Proposition English ) of any product and communicate to the user. This may take the form of a single product feature or a perceived advantage . Faced with increasing competition in the market due to rising substitute increasingly branding advertising occurs . This is to communicate the qualities that give a certain personality or reputation to a brand , that is, a value brand that makes it different from your competition and your main objective is to sell products for big profits .
Strategies for conducting effective advertising are:
• psycho-emotive Consumer Association . By:
• Aesthetics: pictures, music , people, etc. .
• Humor : Aims to associate a product with an idea or fun fact , transmit positive feeling about the product and associate it so easily.
• Feelings or evocation : No product makes direct reference, but the sensation you , instead of trying to convince him is to seduce . Maternal love , infatuation, etc. . For example, " Do you like driving ?"
• Skit: It's the oldest form of advertising , is a real-life episode , the person has to realize that is a dramatization , if not a ' witness ' .
• Testimony : If there is perceived to be a ' dramatization ' then it is a testimony. For example , some figures or famous people or recognized positively, proactively characters or association .
• Demonstration or argument: Posts influencing a product demonstration . Normally provide a response to a real problem. This style is based on product characteristics and effectiveness ( the mythical ' creams women ' ) . For example tests , tests , tests .
• Description: It objectively a product, parts or composition . Widely used in car ads .
• Exposure: Ni ' argument ' or ' description' . Drafted or presented as a list of bid . Used for example in supermarket ads with their food offerings, or items on sale at discount days .
• Impact: It's shocking , puns and rhymes. Only buyer seeks to impact the future so get your attention.
• News : What it does is emulate an advertisement.
• Opportunity: The message should seize the moment , situation or position of the reference time .
• Frequency: The consumer starts to retain a message when it is repetitive.
• Sincerity : Fraud frustration produces in the consumer. It makes you feel bad and leads to feelings of depression , which can even lead to suicide. There are many cases in this regard , so you should be careful , and honest , which produces better results
• Unique Selling Proposition . ( USP )
• All ads must make a concrete proposal to the consumer.
• The proposal must be distinguished from the competition ( competitive advantage or differentiator positioning) ; this is the most important USP condition.
• It should be as attractive to affect the entire goal of the product market.
• Currently selling proposition is the emotional character of changing its name to (ESP )
• Brand image .
• Appeal to systematically associate a symbol for the product or the brand.
• Following the automatic recognition of the symbol will be produced (color , slogan , symbolic element , etc . ) By the consumer .
• This is the first major strategy that gives priority to the image.
• It is booming in the years 70-80 .
• Subliminal .
• Produces an unprovable and risky effect.
• is the most effective strategy if it comes to the end.
• In principle ( 60 ) is used for any kind of product.
• Then what is subliminal exploited for products such as snuff , alcohol , linens, etc. .
• It can be detected with objective factors such as the composition of the ad. This works with the relationship between foreground and background as a metaphor for the conscious and unconscious of the individual
• Positioning, location or call : Encourages listeners to participate in a particular advertising campaign. Select a segment of the public to make it the center of the campaign . This way makes a direct consumer to such questioning and everything revolves around the relationship with a consumer . The second selection step is the selection of facets of subjectivity of consumers ( qualitative work ) . The selection of the audience will be challenged but the rest can be too. All can be mobilized by the campaign as this strategy combines the particular with the general.
The message center is the public. The consumer is treated as different as this strategy needs to distinguish . This strategy is used for ( non-specific) and generic products competing in a saturated market.
• Enigma or suspense : You are given an unknown , which eventually will unravel , until at one point you get the solution. Produces a desire to resolve the meaning of something (causes an expectation ) . Born in the 70s.
• Promote sales of products and services , establishing choices between the trader and the consumer and increase
conviction on the basis of the audience being addressed.
• Report on the goods or services that have trying to achieve. This content is subjected to a
specific business purpose : to induce the buyer to purchase a stock .
• Influence by the message recipient to modify their behavior . The message conveyed in the form
sign stimulus causes a psychic mutation in the recipient, as manifested sign response .
• The final objective transmit information, create an attitude or induce a beneficial effect for the advertiser.
Functions of advertising
Information Function : it is necessary to provide a product , a brand, a slogan function. This function is often assumed by the
word or the context it is written . The image, due to its many meanings , have very precise information .
The text clarifies the ambiguous meanings, what distinguishes the essential and accessory crystallized significance. However, in the
evolution of advertising itself, has been a battle for a distinctive image , so that the viewer
view this image automatically remember the advertised product. For example , the image of a crocodile does not refer us to
Sometimes an African river, but a particular brand of clothing.
Role of Persuasion : Persuasion has been one of the most important functions and that advertising has developed more widely , as the
product as it is, certainly , not possess sufficient attractive and reminds us everyday . To say that every morning
go to work , go with the car go , one will find jams , probably would not be a good selling point .
However, if a brand of car he proposes that one will go live safe and adventure, this argument makes you forget the
reality and goes directly to deeper and subtler desires, the need for security and the desire for adventure. To persuade, using procedures such as advertising orders, threats , suggestion, mass associations , reflections
conditioned , appeal to the self-image , etc. .
Economic Function : This function is intended for advertising to be profitable for whoever promotes, that is , you have to sell
product or impose the idea to as many people as possible. The main strength to fulfill this function is the
individual himself , because advertising to persons or classes that can buy products is addressed, ie , that
generally have their basic physiological needs and, therefore , their desires are directed toward new goals. It is ,
Therefore, the create new needs. For this reason , suggestion overrides argumentación.Función Security and Role: advertising gives us the possibility to bring different life , a life of fantasy , a chance to escape from the routine
or live better. This is proposed as wonderful, but the change of life also means risk to the
viewer, so this change is absolutely necessary that it is accompanied by security. How will we
security than we proposed, we are interested in or make us happy ? Well according to exactly the recipe we
proposed ( other than that we are purchasing the product presented to us ) . The universe created by advertising is a
sure but static universe , where it is important that everyone is in place and perform its function.
Aesthetic Function: is no doubt that advertising is a major creative role and that, due to moving and their budgets
need to reach the public , has considerable technical and semiotic interest. Advertising also creates an aesthetic
determined canons : the colors, compositions , rhythms mounting , etc., both environmentally and personally.
(need to have the body in such a way , this garment of such words or gestures , etc. . ) . This aesthetic has had
an important role in the twentieth century mainly due to two reasons , the aesthetics of advertising has developed
permanently through the mass media , comes in a continuous manner throughout the world and its
messages are intended , aggressively, to deep feelings of people. Company and people are involved
an aesthetic and a way to communicate .
Mantilla Garcia , A.
It's everything you do to promote an activity , from the time the idea is conceived until the time customers begin to purchase the product or service on a regular basis. The key words in this definition are everything and regular basis.
Any commercial , industrial or service , activity require large or small " market " their products or services. There is no exception . It is not possible to have a successful business without marketing .
Naturally, it is not the same big businesses and existing corporations, a company that produces and sells leather goods for local consumption, in a small, remote village .
Basic processes of marketing
The marketing includes several basic processes:
a ) contacting sellers and buyers .
b ) Supply of goods to choose from in enough to attract interest and meet the needs of consumers measure.
c ) To persuade potential buyers to acquire positive attitudes towards certain products.
d ) Maintaining an acceptable level of prices.
e) Physical distribution of goods from manufacturing centers to points of purchase or the use of additional stores conveniently located.
f ) To ensure an adequate level of sales.
g ) Provide appropriate services , such as credit , technical advice, spare parts, etc. .
Types of marketing
a) Strategic
b ) Tourist
c ) Real Estate
d ) Political
e) Social
f ) Personal
g ) Sales
h ) International
The role of marketing
Is the identification of target customers and satisfying their needs and desires of a competitive and profitable for the company or organization; all through market analysis , planning different marketing activities , implementation of planned activities and monitoring of progress and achievements "
Marketing Objectives
Within this senior goals are those that benefit the company as a whole , such as:
Identify marketing opportunities : ie, " detect " those situations where there is potential for the company for a profit or benefit to meet one or more needs and / or desires.
Identify profitable markets in which the company 's foray feasible : After identifying marketing opportunities , marketing aims to identify markets for their characteristics ( size, location, willingness to meet their needs and / or desires , capacity economic , number of competitors, etc ... ) have a high probability of being profitable for the company, but considering the raid and remain feasible, which depends on the financial, production, distribution, etc .
Achieving good market share : In other words , and as they say in the jargon services Market , get a good " slice of the pie " , and where possible , to achieve the " lion's share " or market leadership .
Achieving growth in line with market realities and the product life cycle : One of the main objectives of marketing is to achieve sustained growth in sales (in units and values). In other words , get the company to sell more units for more income in relation to a previous time period .
For marketing to achieve its primary or general objectives need to accomplish a number of objectives , among which are:
Get updated and reliable information : Refers to the fact acquire current and accurate about what is happening in the market (eg , customers , competition , etc.) , the environment , knowledge etc , so . which decisions can be made with the least uncertainty. To this end , marketing must constantly perform a basic activity is known as market research.
Conceptualizing products and / or services that meet needs and / or desires of guests: Today , marketing has the aim of making the products the company produces, distributes and offered for sale , are not coincidental or the whim of someone , but they are designed and manufactured to meet needs and / or desires of the target market .
Achieve optimal distribution of the product and / or service : I mean , you should ensure that the product and / or service is in the amounts and conditions, and the places and times accurate in that customers need or want .
Set a price that customers are willing to pay and have the financial capacity to do it: This is a key target because it will be recalled , the price is the only tool in the marketing mix that produces revenue.
Ensure that advocacy meet its objective of informing, persuading and / or remember : After you have conceptualized a product and / or service, an accepted by the market and available at the places and times accurate price , it's time to focus on achieving the goal or target customers, the public aware of the existence of the product, its features , advantages and benefits, where you can buy and why they should. To do this, the tools of promotion (advertising , personal selling , sales promotion and public relations)
Sign Successfully in Markets : This means that marketing has an important goal to bring to market products and / or services : 1 ) have been conceptualized according to the needs and / or desires of customers, 2) they have set a price that customers are willing to pay and to do so , 3) has been achieved which are in the right quantities and at the place and time when customers need and / or want , and 4) they have been pulled from so that customers remember your brand , its main characteristics , advantages and / or benefits , and also feel the need and / or desire to acquire it.
Acquiring new customers : means attracting new customers to act to achieve those target customers who never bought a product or service, so at any given time. It should be noted that this goal is very important for a company to increase its sales volumes and profits.
loyalty to existing customers : Refers to achieve sympathy and preference for existing customers who choose the brands of the company instead of other competition .
Achieve customer satisfaction : that is, ensure that customer expectations are met and even exceeded with the product and / or service.
Need: is a state of grace as experienced by the individual . Humans have very complex needs. These include basic physical needs for food, clothing , warmth and safety, social needs for belonging and affection, and individual needs for knowledge and expression. These needs are not an invention , but an essential part of human nature .
Wishes: are described in terms of the objects to meet the needs . As a society evolves, increasing the wishes of its members. As people you are exposed to more objects that arouse curiosity or desire , the products aim to provide more products and services that meet .
Demands : people have almost unlimited wants but resources do have limits. Therefore, you want to choose products that provide the most satisfaction for their money. When are backed by purchasing power , desires become demands .
Product: is anything that can be offered to the attention of a market for purchase , use or consumption and that can satisfy a need or desire.
The product concept is not limited to physical objects , can be anything capable of satisfying a need . In addition to goods and services , products include people, places , organizations and ideas. A consumer decides which animators see on tv . , What places will go on vacation, what organizations must donate money and what ideas will support.
Exchange : Marketing occurs when people decide to satisfy their needs through the exchange . The exchange is the act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return. This is one of many ways to obtain a desired object.
The exchange is the core concept of marketing. For an exchange to occur, several conditions must be met . There must, of course, at least two parts, each of which have little value for the other . Likewise, the two must be willing to negotiate with the other ; and be free to accept or reject your offer . Finally , the two sides should be able to communicate and deliver objects .
These simple conditions make possible the exchange . The fact that this really is carried out depends on the parties to reach an agreement.
If they do, we must conclude that the two have come out winning something, because, after all, both were free to accept or reject the offer . In this sense, as well as production creates value , so make the exchange . Gives people greater consumption possibilities .
Transactions : an exchange of values between two parties. In it, we can define that A gave "X " to B and scored "Y". A person, for example , pays $ 400 Sears TV. This is a classic monetary transaction. But not all transactions involving money . In a barter transaction , you can change an old refrigerator used by the TV neighbor . In a barter transaction may also involve services in addition to goods ; would be the case , for example, a lawyer who writes the Doctor will return for a medical examination. In a transaction involves at least two objects of value, agreed terms and the time and place of the agreement.
A market is a set of actual and potential buyers of the product . To understand its nature , imagine a primitive economy consisting of four people around : a fisherman , a hunter , a potter and a farmer.
There are three different ways in which these participants can meet your needs:
Each collects the goods you need. The hunter is primarily concerned with hunting, but also gives time for fishing, pottery and grow for other goods. In doing so , the hunter is less efficient at their job, and so does the other .
Each sees the other three as " buyers " who are a potential market. Thus, it may be that the hunter make individual trips to exchange for items from meat fisherman, potter and farmer.
A new character named merchant located in a central area called Market Square appears. Each participant brings his goods to the merchant and other changes (he ) needs . So, instead of negotiating with other suppliers , the hunter only makes a "market" . Merchants and squares of central market greatly reduce the total number of transactions required for a given volume of trade.
As you increase the number of transactions and in society , it also increases the number of merchants and marketplaces .
Oswaldo P. Noguera
Rosa E. Parra
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